🎬 What's all the 'Rage' about?

Year was 2011.

We were all teens then, chilling in one of our friend’s house. As we were discussing about movies, i.e: judging actors for their acting, simping on our favorite actresses or critiquing how a particular scene could have been shot. A genius idea struck us - Why not make a short-film?

Did we have any script? No!

Did we have any dialogues? No!

Ok, what about some vague idea? Nope, Not even a word!

All we had was a Sony Handy-cam and a lot of free time!

So we got to work with what we had. We wanted it to be the best we had done so far, so we brainstormed for hours, each discussing the plot in detail, the philosophical underlying of our script, the moral dilemma each character would be going through, cultural impact of each cleverly written dialogues… actually just kidding, that’s not how it went…

Here’s how it actually went - We each came up with some vague one line idea, when we all agreed upon one we simply started rolling!

While I don’t remember the exact one line script we came up with, I remember this much that we were all pretty much convinced it will end up being “The Best”. Looking back, it did turn out to be best, for a completely different reason :p

For those curious about the genius idea we came up with, here it is -

*spoiler ahead! skip if you want to experience it in video*

2 guys get bored and invite an insurance agent to their home to make fun of him, but he secretly turns out to be a serial killer!

*or click on above block to reveal the best plot-twist ever*

Now that we had an idea, we already felt like our preparations were done. Now, if you are one of those who has done any kind of movie shooting before or just sensible enough to ask - What about dialogues?

Well… there were none!

That turned out to be the best part of it. Not having any dialogue meant we spewed out whatever non-sense we had in mind. This added to the overall cringe value and made it into what it is today.

Okay, enough reminiscing about past.


If you just scrolled past that video, you are missing out on something huge.


Assuming that you watched it. I would like to say, there was actually no real need to watch it… You wasted 13 minutes 05 seconds of your life!

There… I said it before you did!

Jokes apart!

This for our teen self were the best we could come up with! And now in our 20s, when we look back at it. We don’t regret it at all!

Sure, that’s the cringiest shit we have ever done. We were aware about it then (partially) and even now we are very much aware of it. But some cringe is soo good it’s borderline humour-porn!

And I will comfortably say, it falls in the later category.

Not to mention this has a separate fan base in our friend’s group. Want to get conversation going? Start a discussion about this video and you are sure to get everyone’s attention…

On that note, here’s something my group has to say about this film -

That’s the best 13 minutes of my life, hope it lasted longer! ~ Anonymous Friend 1

That’s the kind of movie you would rather not get caught watching! ~ Anonymous Friend 2

I am not affiliated with people who made this. ~ Anonymous Friend 3

And for those select few who actually enjoyed above short-film I have a good news for you. There’s more…

Yes! A behind the scenes video for a film no one asked for! And just like every other BTS video, this one’s even more cringier entertaining than the actual film.

That’s pretty much it, if you are expecting a conclusion or some kind of reflection from his post.

Well, there simply isn’t any, or maybe just one - Some journey’s are pointless that get you nowhere and that’s perfectly okay!

I enjoyed writing this piece as much as I enjoyed shooting that film. Memories of multiple re-watch parties we had over it is just as sweet as well. This is a tribute to my all childhood friends! You have shaped me into what I am today, directly or indirectly.

Thanks for everything! ❤️

Before you go...

Archis, my friend ↗︎. One who also starred in, edited and directed above short-film. Is actually aspiring to be a director (huge respect!) and here’s some of his latest works -

Believe me he has improved over the years, so check those out!